June 24, 2009

Plume Poppy Progress

I've unearthed the Plume Poppy quilt, code name The Beast, and resumed the quilting work on it. I am very pleased to report that the new machine is easing this task considerably. The wider harp lets me work without tightly scrunching the fabric and hunching my shoulders, and the improved thread tensioning is eliminating a lot of fiddling around with that little screw and expressing myself with nasty euphemisms. I'm excited to be working on this one again, it's going to be very dramatic when it's finished.

I now have two machines set up in my studio; I'm using my faithful old Pfaff for piecing, and the new Janome for freemotion work. This allows me to work on two or more projects (almost) simultaneously, which is enjoyable and a boost to productivity. If you are new here, you can track back this work in progress by clicking on "Plume Poppy" in the right sidebar under Labels.


Judy Alexander said...

This is looking good. The colors look so cool....and it is so hot in the Atlanta right now!

Virginia A. Spiegel said...

Sue - Plume poppy! One of my favorite plants of all time - such a beautiful "thug" Nice to see it featured in your artwork.