March 9, 2009

Watt & Shand #3 Begun

I've been a member of Kansas Art Quilters for years--you obviously don't need to live IN Kansas, and it's a great group of very talented artists. This year, as an inducement to pay your dues on time, Karen Stiehl Osborn offered to burn 5 thermofax screens for members. I've been curious about this process for a while and sent off my images for Karen to process. (Go here for a commercial site with great information about how the process works, and here for a Quilting Arts blog post with good pictures.)

Two of my new screens were made from my stock of Watt & Shand images. (If you're new here, click on Watt & Shand under Labels in the right sidebar to read all about this ongoing series.) I finally had time to experiment with them, and produced a lot of images on white cotton and natural linen. I like how stark and graphic they are. They are going to be the basis for #3 in the Watt & Shand series. I'm going to enjoy the challenge of softening the starkness without losing the edginess.


Karen Stiehl Osborn said...

Hi --- these look great! I look forward to seeing them incorporated into new artwork!

Sue Reno said...

Thanks Karen! I wouldn't have gone this direction without your help.