Below is a fallen tree that was cut to clear the path. I like the textures in the cross section:
The main trail wound up the mountain and lead to views of the cool, foggy valley where the redwoods flourish:
The micro climate at the top was warmer and drier and supported a different class of vegetation, including my first encounter with manzanitas. I was smitten by the purple color of the bark and the twisty architecture of the branches:
Descending again, I took a moment to rest and contemplate my place in the universe as a puny human:
And to consider life as a hobbit:
After leaving the forest, we made a brief stop at Olompali State Park in Marin County. It has a fascinating history as an Native American settlement, ranch, battlefield, estate, and hippie commune. Over-driven guitar amplifiers at a late night revelry led to an electrical fire; the buildings await the funding necessary for restoration, and unfortunately it looks like it may be a long wait: