My exhibit "Fantastic Foliage" is opening this Saturday, September, 4th, at the Jonal Gallery in Columbia, PA, with a reception from 5-9 p.m. If you live in the area or are traveling through, I hope you will be able to stop in and join us. It's a beautiful gallery space in a restored historic building, and I'm excited to have the opportunity to display my work there. I will also be giving an informal lecture/gallery talk on Thursday, Sept. 16th, and will be present for the closing reception on the 24th.
The focus of the exhibit, as the name suggests, is on work featuring leaves, drawn from my ongoing series "The Woods" and "The Garden". Shown above is "Royal Paulownia", with ginormous life-sized leaves, patchwork including silks from Mysore in India, hand embroidery, hand beading, and all kinds of texture that photographs can't quite capture. Here's a detail shot that comes close: