The Susquehanna River ice at this point is widely variable, thin in places, with open water, and thick and chunky in other spots. This set of images from the area around York Haven, PA, illustrate all the variables.
We saw two brave and intrepid, and hopefully well prepared and experienced souls portaging their kayaks across the ice, testing the thickness as they went.
They reached open water and struck out into the river.
The river was up over its banks in spots, and partially frozen. The portage goes around the York Haven Dam and the York Haven Hydroelectric Plant.
I heard them calling, then looked up and spotted a bald eagle soaring:
Its mate was waiting in the trees:
The area around the Plant is open to the public, for portage and fishing, and there is a lot of interesting and photographic stuff on site.
Any hints as to the original pu
rpose of these objects would be appreciated.
Where the dam backed up the river, the ice was arrayed in incredible formations of chunks and plates, all jumbled up together.
The trip and images have provided further inspiration for my River series of art quilts.
All of these images enlarge when cllicked, and are up on my Flickr site: