I’m honored to announce that I will be a Breakout Session Presenter at the upcoming Studio Art Quilt Associates Fiberlandia Conference. The Conference will be held in Portland, OR on April 30 – May 3, 2015.
Develop and Sustain Your Daily Artistic Practice
Creating the time, space and mindset to carry out a consistent artistic practice in our daily lives can be challenging, but pays tremendous dividends. I break the process down into easily achieved steps that bring results.
Learn how to:
· Be fearless in acknowledging the value of your individual viewpoint and talents.
· Identify realistic short and long term goals.
· Find a daily practice that trains your eye, feeds your creative spirit, and keeps your work fresh.
· Work towards a balance of quiet, cognitive time and social time, including social media.
· Even out the flow of work between intensely creative periods and dry spells.
· Be inspired by the strategies other artists use to manage their time and artistic output.
Whether you are a novice or experienced artist, you will come away from this session with strategies that will help you take your artistic practice to the next level.
Information on the keynote speakers and other presenters is
here. Registration information is
here; there’s a early bird discount.
I’m a long time member of SAQA and have benefited tremendously from my involvement. A SAQA conference is a great setting to learn industry specific information and meet like-minded artists and quilters. I’m thrilled that I will be a part of the Fiberlandia Conference, and am very excited about the lineup of speakers. I’m equally delighted that it will be in Portland, one of my favorite cities. I will be extending my trip to fit in lots of hiking time in the area.
Hope to see you there!
As always, thanks for reading and commenting.