This body of work is the culmination of a long process of exploration and design for me. I started taking pictures of the historic Watt & Shand building in Lancaster, PA back in April of 2007. The building had been demolished to make way for a hotel and convention center, but the facade was saved and supported with an elaborate scaffolding; I was mesmerized with the way the light came through the empty windows.
I made the first art quilt in the series in January of last year and have working on the series almost non-stop since then. I culled through hundreds of my photographs to use the images that captured something essential about the construction process and the visual tableau it presented. By clicking on "Watt & Shand" under Labels in the right sidebar, you can track back the works in progress.
Thanks for all the support and encouragement I've received on this project to date, and I hope you enjoy the results of my journey into architectural depictions.